A Citizen Soldier

A Citizen Soldier


A Soldier-Scholar & an Indian Army Veteran​

Born on November 27, 1962, in Nowgoan, Madhya Pradesh, to a middle class family of Kripa Shankar and Shakuntala Saxena; Colonel Hemant Saxena has always been a soul that is full of energy yet does not fit into any known set of norms. Nothing could stop him for long from exploring new vistas that pique his curiosity right from his childhood days. 

Story telling came to him naturally when his father encouraged him to talk about his day in the school as he paddled his rickety bicycle bringing his children home every day. During early childhood, he began experimenting with stories, poems, and theatre scripts for school/college festivals and magazines, which sparked his passion in writing.

In recent years, upon his retirement from the Army, he has been contributing to the Hindi-language newspaper Dainik Bhaskar on defense-related topics and flash points along Eastern and Western borders with China and Pakistan. Current pursuits include nurturing his desire to become an author and sharing some of his military service experiences through a collection of beautiful and heartfelt stories that will be published as a book very soon.

The world is connected... and so are we!

Connect with me to read along with some interesting stories, a few of which will inspire you, and a few of which you may connect with in this world full of small stories.